Upcycling workshop
A never-ending cycle
Aline has created something wonderful with her upcycling workshop and offers you the Opportunity to transform old virblatt clothing (and of course other brands) into new trendy fashion.
But let's start at the very beginning. Aline is a master tailor and fashion designer and masters her craft with an energy and passion that is second to none. She has been running the upcycling fashion label PROUGS-ReThink since 2011 and makes new unique items out of old, worn or washed-out clothing.

Send her your clothes, she will transform them into a new garment for you and then send them back to you.
Send her your old clothes, she recycles them into new materials and sells them online or at local markets.
So here and now we declare war on the unnecessary generation of waste and the exploitation of our raw materials and use old but still high-quality materials to create new, unique products.
Simply go to Aline's website and contact her without obligation